Convert WSPRnet HTML to CSV

  1. Use the WSPRnet Spot Query page to select up to 1,000 records from the observation data.
  2. Save/Download the WSPRnet html page to your computer or device (ctl-s usually).
  3. Upload the saved file using the form below.
  4. Download your CSV files from the links at the bottom of this page.
Your Call: Upload HTML file saved from WSPRnet
Ignore data before: Ignore data after:

The CSV files will be available for download for a while, but not forever.

The format of the first CSV file matches the HTML columns: Date Time,TxCall,Freq,SNR,Drift,Grid,Pwr,Reporter,RGrid,Distance,Direction

The format of the second CSV file matches the monthly files (updated daily) available at WSPRnet except for the version field which now begins with an x and the ID field which now contains a very large number. This should allow merging data from the large file with recent data and removing it later.

If you need more than 1,000 records, use the utility.

If you need more than 100,000 records, download the monthly files from the page.

Please make suggestions or report any problems or bugs to VE3SUN